Selling meds on Syfy
I find commercials selling medicine or medical devices on tv stations strange. In my opinion, this is something that is best served up to doctors and not to the consumer. I mean, isn’t that the function of a doctor, to figure out what is wrong with their patient and prescribe the appropriate drug? Why am I paying them so much money, if not? I am not going to ask my doctor if a drug is right for me; that is their job. Granted there is the internet and all the hypochondriac’s searching for a cure for any pain.
Then there is the cost related to med commercials. Guess who pays for that? Yep, all of us in the higher cost of medical insurance. Thanks for letting me pay for your poor marketing choices.
But what seems a bit too odd is seeing any medical related commercials on Syfy: “… might reduce the risk of certain types of cancer”. Are they real or are they selling science fiction to the viewers?